Simmering sentiments against brahmins

  • Brahmins should be careful. That is what social media says to us. Brahminphobia is rampant across India and more so in Tamil Nadu.

  • The so called rationalists and periyarists (kothadimaigal - brainless slaves BS) are the best in preaching genocide of brahmins.
  • There are no proofs that brahmins invented caste system, yet this will be told again and again by the BS. Using this lie the BS will even justify genocide of brahmins.
  • When brahmins learned vedas other castes learned pottery, carpentry, architecture, and hundred other things. Each caste had their hereditary knowledge which they did not share with others. But somehow brahmins' exclusive hold on vedas alone is somehow denial of education to other castes. BS use this argument to deny any rights to brahmins.
  • Brahmins have no political power in TN.
  • Common public have negative opinion about brahmins. They will not come to rescue any brahmin.
  • I have observed common public's sentiment about brahmins closely and it's very disturbing.
    • A significant amount of people think they have to be careful with brahmins as they may conspire against them
    • Some also think of brahmins as their oppressors
    • Some will try as much as they can to stop brahmins from improving in their career
    • Some want brahmins' genocide
    • Even BJP and RSS is not immune to the anti brahmin indoctrination
  • While this is a cause for worry, I am not scared. Brahmins must tackle this situation somehow.
Way forward:
  • Brahmins must try and win the trust of as many individuals and communities by being helpful and magnanimous
  • Brahmins must stop thinking that they are different from others. They must develop a strong sense of belongingness to this nation
  • Inter caste marriages - brahmins are not ready for this. I know that. But this is a viable option. It's very rare that any community will genocide brahmins at the cost of making their sons or daughters widowers or widows. Inter caste marriage can act as a shield in case any genocide is to happen.
  • Settling abroad - It's better to explore abroad options and keep it ready. In foreign land, brahmins' lives would be protected by those countries' laws.


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