
Showing posts from December, 2017

Life moves on

Not sure what went wrong? So many things could have. We're no great guys. We're room temperature guy, neither hot nor cool. Well, there may be several other things a girl may have in mind while assessing (may not be an appropriate word) if a guy would suit her or not, not just temperatures. We come with our own sets of flaws and follies. We shall not try to seem like what we are not. We sometimes do that. If a guy can expose his true self, knowingly or unknowingly in a week and if a girl is smart enough to capture all, identify and classify all his bad qualities (according to her) and if she can come to a conclusion that he may not suit her, then that is an evident sign of victory to the system of speaking to each other for few weeks before proceeding further in the matrimonial process . Lucky are those that identified incompatibilities, after all that's the whole purpose. Momentary disappointments are inevitable. But, it's no new concept, disappointments have thei