
Showing posts from December, 2021

Mahabharata - Which was and should be Tamil's side - part 2

 3) Draupati, the wife of the 5 Pandavas. Worship and ridiculings in Tamil Nadu. Can being wife of 5 men ever be defended? While it can be argued that a woman involving in polyandry should also be treated like polygamy, meaning, women had equal powers, the fact is that men and women were not equal. Women did have restrictions just like today. But, nobility were an exception. Draupati, Kunti, Gandhari, etc. spoke and did what they thought. They simply did not buckle to patriarchy. They complimented men and completed their spouse. Draupati is simply not a lady who could be forced. She did not let her voice unheard in the court of Hastinapur when an injustice was meted out on her. She did consent to marry the Pandavas. So, the usual argument of subjugation of women in Mahabharata falls flat. An other argument against Draupati is that she is promiscous. From time immemorial, having intimate relationship with husbands have never been considered promiscous. Niyoga tradition was also an accep

Mahabharata - Which was and should be Tamil's side - part 1

Mahabharata Unravelled (lesser known facets of a well known history) is a book written by Ami Ganatra ji that tries to bring to our attention several facts of the great ithihas which TV serials on Mahabharata failed to bring. The author has cited original and authentic sources to narrate those nuances and facts. Never once while reading the book did I feel bored. The reason is not just that the ithihas is close to my heart, but the primary reason is the simple yet interesting narration. I recommend this to everyone. I am writing this in 2 parts so that each part makes a 2 mins read. 1) Which side did Tamil (Tamil kings) take during Mahabharata? Through out Tamil Nadu, we will be able to see many people supporting the Kauravas. For the most part, the support is just to oppose the side of staunch Hindus, the Pandavas side. Have we ever wondered which side our ancestors took? It's the Pandav