
Showing posts from March, 2022

Truth about love, marriage and lived happily ever after

Love towards an opposite gender is an emotion that should not be supressed. Love does happen and is very real. We all should pursue our love. Preferabbly love must end in marriage and the couple must live happily ever after. The fact is living happily ever after is an utopian worldview, not very practical. When in love, as long as we don't spend long durations together, we keep missing the other and when we do meet our love, we have a lot of pent up love to express. Post marriage, there is no question of pent up love. The expression becomes far lesser. People who had been receiving pent up love pre marriage, misses the outburst of the expression post marriage. This often leads to the receiver of love outbursts feeling cheated. Consequently fights start. It's impossible to express love every hour or even every day. The same is the case with arranged marriages in the pre honeymoon period (getting to know each other where each find the other interesting and attractive) vs post ho