
Showing posts from May, 2017

Karma, Cupid & I - Book review

I like the works of RK Narayanan. Who doesn't? I am proud of his Tamil ancestry. I wondered if there were anyone after him who were as good as him from Tamil Nadu. I googled and started going through first few links but left it there to attend to other works at home. I have still not resumed. I am a believer in karma, but I was never able to articulate what it meant precisely. I get haunted with inquisitive questions in social media by my friends with opposite opinion whenever I speak about karma. Probably I must have googled the word too for scholarly explanation, probably by someone from Ramakrishna Mutt and the likes and must have read first few links and must have left it half the way to attend some work at home or office as usual. I don't know how the search engine works. Whenever I had to buy something online, Karma, Cupid and I kept appearing in the recommendations (Indian author + Karma). The name was catchy. I googled and found out that Cupid is Greek mythology equi