
Simmering sentiments against brahmins

Brahmins should be careful. That is what social media says to us. Brahminphobia is rampant across India and more so in Tamil Nadu. The so called rationalists and periyarists (kothadimaigal - brainless slaves BS) are the best in preaching genocide of brahmins. There are no proofs that brahmins invented caste system, yet this will be told again and again by the BS. Using this lie the BS will even justify genocide of brahmins. When brahmins learned vedas other castes learned pottery, carpentry, architecture, and hundred other things. Each caste had their hereditary knowledge which they did not share with others. But somehow brahmins' exclusive hold on vedas alone is somehow denial of education to other castes. BS use this argument to deny any rights to brahmins. Brahmins have no political power in TN. Common public have negative opinion about brahmins. They will not come to rescue any brahmin. I have observed common public's sentiment about brahmins closely and it's very distu

This is how I take decisions

Thinking loud... I am unable to decide what career path I want to take. I am going to shuffle 3 cards and pick one among them and I am going to go with the best of 3.  >>> import random >>> choices = ["QA architect", "Python dev", "Management - scrum master, PMP, politics, excel"] >>> random.choice(choices) 'Management - scrum master, PMP, politics, excel' >>> random.choice(choices) 'QA architect' >>> random.choice(choices) 'Management - scrum master, PMP, politics, excel' >>> 

Is Ramayana the Indian version of Odyssey?

I saw the below tweet from a D-stock twitter handle. The tweet in Tamil roughly translates to "Ramayana is the exact replica of the Greek literature Odyssey" The tweeter is proving his claims using some Charu Hasan's facebook post below. Let's try to approach this question scientifically which the D-stocks are fond of (or so they claim). Scientific studies on Ramayana and dating the epic: Content courtesy: The article talks about the Dwaraka explorations. Archaeologists have found the ancient city if Dwaraka under water when they explored the exact Dwaraka area claimed in Mahabharata.  According to the same article Ramayana happened 9000 years before present. 7000 BC. This clearly predates the Odyssey. The story of Odessey sounds nothing like Ramayana: So, how does this sound? Rama goes for a war leaving his son and wife in his palace. The war la

The polarisation and what we must be aware

I heard someone in the youtube shorts say, "By supporting Sanatana Dharma BJP state president Annamalai is supporting birth based previlege and kula thozhil." Oh really? Sanatana Dharma is going to play a significant role in polarising the voters in 2024 national election. BJP has already started supporting Sanatanis (aka. Hindus). I wish the party makes the election about Sanatana Dharma vs Anti Sanatana Dharma at the national level. In the state of Tamil Nadu, there are various forces at play to portray that Sanatana Dharma is not Hinduism. Those forces wish to portray that birth-based casteism supporting, ultra orthodox untouchability supporting division of Hinduism is Sanatana Dharma.

இரக்கம் வராமல் போனதென்ன காரணம் என் ஸ்வாமிக்கு - Why would my Swami not have sympathy?

இரக்கம் வராமல் போனதென்ன காரணம்? என் ஸ்வாமிக்கு. கருணை கடல் என்றுன்னை காதில் கேட்டு நம்பி வந்தேன் Why would my Swami not have sympathy on me? I came believing that you are the ocean of compassion. இரக்கம் வராமல் போனதென்ன காரணம்? என் ஸ்வாமிக்கு. Why would my Swami not have sympathy on me? ஆலம் அருந்தி அண்டர் உயிரை ஆதரித்ததுமது கீர்த்தி. பாலகிருஷ்ணன் பாடி தினமும் பணிந்திடும் நடராஜ மூர்த்தி. பழி எத்தனை நான் செய்யினும் பாலித்திடும் சிவசிதம்பரம் மொழி கற்றவர் வழி உற்றுணை முப்பொழுதும் மறவேனே! Your fame is - you drank poison to save Devas and Asuras! Nataraja Murti is who this Balakrishnan (i.e. me) sings and prays! How much ever wrong deeds I do, Siva Chidambaram saves me. I follow people who are well versed in the language to remember you during all the three parts of the day. இரக்கம் வராமல் போனதென்ன காரணம்? என் ஸ்வாமிக்கு. Why would my Swami not have sympathy on me? அண்டர் If one searches in google, many references can be seen to mean that andar ( அண்டர் ) means shepherds. But to my knowled

Truth about love, marriage and lived happily ever after

Love towards an opposite gender is an emotion that should not be supressed. Love does happen and is very real. We all should pursue our love. Preferabbly love must end in marriage and the couple must live happily ever after. The fact is living happily ever after is an utopian worldview, not very practical. When in love, as long as we don't spend long durations together, we keep missing the other and when we do meet our love, we have a lot of pent up love to express. Post marriage, there is no question of pent up love. The expression becomes far lesser. People who had been receiving pent up love pre marriage, misses the outburst of the expression post marriage. This often leads to the receiver of love outbursts feeling cheated. Consequently fights start. It's impossible to express love every hour or even every day. The same is the case with arranged marriages in the pre honeymoon period (getting to know each other where each find the other interesting and attractive) vs post ho

Mahabharata - Which was and should be Tamil's side - part 2

 3) Draupati, the wife of the 5 Pandavas. Worship and ridiculings in Tamil Nadu. Can being wife of 5 men ever be defended? While it can be argued that a woman involving in polyandry should also be treated like polygamy, meaning, women had equal powers, the fact is that men and women were not equal. Women did have restrictions just like today. But, nobility were an exception. Draupati, Kunti, Gandhari, etc. spoke and did what they thought. They simply did not buckle to patriarchy. They complimented men and completed their spouse. Draupati is simply not a lady who could be forced. She did not let her voice unheard in the court of Hastinapur when an injustice was meted out on her. She did consent to marry the Pandavas. So, the usual argument of subjugation of women in Mahabharata falls flat. An other argument against Draupati is that she is promiscous. From time immemorial, having intimate relationship with husbands have never been considered promiscous. Niyoga tradition was also an accep